Protected Lands
Identifying, conserving, and enhancing
the Lake Erie region's unique natural resources
4. Peffer Road Property
This 46-acre property was acquired in 2010 and is adjacent to McKean Township property both of which are part of a master trail system plan as approved by the township. It is bounded by Elk Creek and will have access points for fishing, trails for walking, and overlook points for viewing the geographic features within.
5. West Road Property
This 47-acre property was purchased by LERC in 2008 using grant money from DCNR and PFBC. It straddles Elk Creek and allows great access to fishing. It has a field with trees planted by LERC and trails leading down to the creek. The property on the other side of the creek is a beautiful natural wooded setting.
8. East Side Forest
This 5-acre property was donated to LERC in 2005 and sits next to the railroad tracks by the east side bayfront highway. It is accessible from Page Street, which is connected to East 36th and Zimmerman, LERC created a sustainable forestry plan for the property to ensure healthy forest growth for the future.
Major Accomplishments
Assisted Acquisitions - LERC has assisted with the transfer of 9 properties to state agencies and local municipalities totaling 1,335 acres. The following are the most significant ones:
Lake Erie Bluffs
Originally 540 acres along the Lake Erie shoreline, this truly stunning piece of property was what inspired the creation of Lake Erie Region Conservancy. LERC helped bring together the parties that eventually turned this property into a Pennsylvania state park, which now includes the mouth of Elk Creek for a total of 621 acres of beautiful woods boasting an important and unique ecology for this area.
Avonia Beach Park
LERC helped facilitate the purchase of this lakefront property in Fairview Township
Game Lands 314
LERC applied to and received funding from eight separate sources in order to acquire
this 85.1 acre tract from the Jenks family. It was transferred to the PA Game Commission
and is now part of Game Lands 314
Erie Golf Club
LERC went to court to prevent this 175 acre golf course with over 2,000 feet bordering Walnut Creek from becoming another subdivision. It is now owned by Millcreek Township.
Gilmore Farm
This 179.8 acre tract of land located on Beckman Road in Girard Township includes an amazing 6,325 ft. stretch of the Elk Creek gorge. LERC acquired this property in December 2019 using PFBC and PA DCNR funding. The property was transferred to the PFBC.
Battles Farm
LERC acquired a 84.5 acre conservation easement on part of the historic Battles Farm trust property working with the Hagen History Center. The easement was recorded on 07-09-20.
Asbury Woods Expansion
LERC was the catalyst for Asbury Woods Partnership’s 2021 acquisition of an additional 52 acres along West 38th Street. LERC provided the technical assistance and preparation of the application for state grant funds on behalf of the Partnership which led to much of the funding necessary to acquire this significant expansion of
their landholdings.